Making The Appraisal Process Easier For You
Whether you need an appraiser for residential, commercial, or agricultural real estate, Steven Spaeth Appraisal in Detroit Lakes, MN, is your trusted team. We have a comprehensive education and the necessary qualifications to give you the most accurate and reliable real estate value opinions. From estate settlements to mortgages and refinancing, we can guide you. We ensure our clients will receive a quality report promptly with excellent and thorough service.
We proudly serve Becker County, Hubbard County, Norman County, Mahnomen County, Otter Tail County and Wadena County.

Meet Steven Spaeth
Steven Spaeth is an FHA, certified, and licensed appraiser in Minnesota who is always looking out for his clients’ best interest. He entered the field of real estate appraisal over 40 years ago and has been working in the business ever since. Steven has made it this far from forming meaningful relationships and connections with his clients. He recognizes quality, skill, and communication as a foundation for his success. He prides himself on having an astounding team and encouraging continued education to provide the best possible results.

910 Lincoln Ave, Suite 10
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Phone: 218-847-2191
Email: steve@stevenspaethmn.com
Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM